Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ouch - an expensive ride this morning

So much to do, so little time...where have I heard that before? So I took the opportunity to combine my errands with a bike ride. Temperatures had broken and were in the 50's when I took off. For me, that is the perfect riding temperature range!

I took off to buy some coffee, going to Hemisphere Coffee Roasters and picking up my normal Papua New Guinea and got half pound of pumpkin pie flavored coffee. Also stopped by the grocery store and picked up some fruit. Rode over to St John's for their Christmas bizarre. I still get excited when I see the majestic bell tower as I approach the church.

I also need some furniture. The family of a friend of mine, someone I worked with years ago, has an Amish furniture store, so I thought I would start there. I got there, walked in and saw exactly what I wanted. But wearing my leathers, I did not get approached by any of the people. Guess I did not look like the buying type. Met my friend's son - last time I saw him, he was a baby!!! I ended up dropping 20 Benjamins there!

I hope I can get out a couple more times yet this year, but time is definitely running out.

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