Monday, December 31, 2007

Last ride of the year

The weather made it to mid 40's today, and the sun was shining. I hooked the battery back into Kermit, the Nomad, donned my riding gear. My daughter got her stuff on too, and jumped onto the back of the bike, and we went for a little ride. Not too far, but enough to remind me how long this winter is going to be.

After dropping her back off at home, I rode over to a friend's house that I had not seen in quite a while. We put some Stabil in his bike, and his sister's. But mostly BS'd for about an hour.

I am now sitting here, 20 minutes before the New Year rings in...It was a great year, and I am looking forward to even more time on the bike next year. And it starts this weekend with the Detroit Motorcycle show.