Friday, April 27, 2007

The first weekend ride!

Remember the old song
Me and you and a dog named Boo
Travelin' and a livin' off the land
Me and you and a dog named Boo
How I love being a free man

Its that time, even if just for a weekend, that's the plan....Roseman, Kermit and me (Buddy), hitting the road. Not sure where I am going, not sure where I am staying. I just know who I am going with and how long I will be gone. Hoping to stop at a few friends and may pick up another rider or two.

Break out the booze!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

200 miles - nice afternoon ride

Click on pictures to see larger image

Took the first long ride of the season today. 183 miles, round trip. Had a great ride, weather in the high 60's through high 70's, sunshine. Just a beautiful day! Just as I got started, I ran across this cowboy, just outside of Marysville.

Then to Maid Rite Sandwich shop, with was busy with customers . Not surprising with good food, great price, and gum all over the building! Click here for lots of details on the Maid Rite Shop's gum story. People on both sides of the counter were friendly, even those who stood in line out the back door. HIGHLY recommend you take a trip there!

Here are a few pics of the sides of the building with all the bubblegum. And no, I did not add any!

The parking lot was full of bikes and 4-wheelers alike.

I stopped on the way home at a DQ at Russels Point (Indian Lake). Nice sidecar in the parking lot, along with a little kit car.

Finally, had a little lunch and made a few calls as I rested up. Made it home by 4:30, about a 5 hour ride for 180 miles

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Clean and Ready to go

Family sick with some sort of crud. Boy, girl, wife. But took some time away from caretaking to go wash the bike, getting it ready for that first big weekend ride. I would like to say the bike looks as good as it did when I picked it up from Theil's Wheels, but I cannot. I looks BETTER! And no one on the road has one that looks exactly like mine.

Just ordered a set of "Lowers" from Edmonds Enterprises. They are larger versions of the lexan "wings" on the front forks. They should reduce the air coming up underneith the tank and pushing my helmet around. It should also help if it rains. I hope to get them in a week or two. That "should" be the end of mods for this summer riding.

I am looking forward to a lot of riding this summer, and a few weekends of bike camping too!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

In the near future...

FINALLY - some decent spring weather around the corner. It appears that there are a few days coming next week where I can at least HOPE to get out on the road. At least the rain has washed all the salt and sand off the road. Keep your fingers crossed.

Monday, April 9, 2007

What it means to love riding

One day, a little boy came home from school and was just awestruck by a bright and shiny Honda Goldwing motorcycle sitting in front of their house. The chrome and the bright paint job were about the coolest thing this little boy had ever seen. After admiring the bike for a short while, the boy ran into the house to see who was there. Apparently, a biker friend of the family and his wife had come to visit.

The man stood tall and proud with a long flowing beard, and wearing his leather bikers vest, with leather biker boots. He stood beside a beautiful woman, his wife. She had long flowing brown hair, and the kindest smile that the boy had ever seen. She too was adorned in the biker leather that the man so proudly wore. The little boy was so impressed by this biker couple, that he stayed glued to their sides the entire length of their visit. The bikers told wonderful tales of adventure from the road as the little boy dreamed of one day having similar adventures of his own. Finally, as the bikers stood to leave, the little boy asked... "What can I do to become a real biker??" The man bent down to the little boy, smiled and said:

"Son, there are four very important things that you must do in order to become a "real" biker.

  1. Ride on a motorcycle any time you can, any one will do!
  2. Don't worry what people think about you. You will have enough hurdles in life without letting other people put more of them in front of you.
  3. Live by your own rules as long as they hurt no one else
  4. Know that none of your rules apply to anyone but else but you!"

The little boy didn't fully understand all of this, but he never forgot the bikers words. For many, many years after that he saved his allowance to buy his first motorcycle. Finally, as a boy of jr. high school age, he was able to afford a small used dirt bike. Now this was no street bike, but it was all he could afford. Best of all it was all his, and he loved it! He would ride that bike from sun up until sun down. Some nights when he just couldn't bring himself to give up riding for the day, he would duct tape a flashlight to the handlebars in order to keep riding well into the night. Upon outgrowing that little dirt bike, he sold it with the intention of one day buying another. Well, days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, and months turned into years.

Finally, many years later, the boy (now a man) graduated law school and started a very successful practice. Shortly after that, he bought himself a brand new Harley Davidson. He loved that Harley, and put thousands of dollars worth of chrome and custom paint into it. He and his other lawyer buddies would cruise the boulevard on their Harleys going from bar to bar, or just hanging out in front of the local coffee shop. He and his friends would hang out together talking about their Harley's, and about riding, and laughing at anyone who rode jap-crap or anything other than the expensive Harley Davidson's that they rode.

One day, on his way home from the local biker bar, he saw an elderly man come out of a grocery store. The old man had been working the late shift bagging groceries. He staggered up to an old Honda Goldwing. The original side bags were missing and had been replaced by milk crates, plywood, and zip ties. The trunk was missing and had been replaced by an old worn leather footlocker. The windshield was yellow with age and cracking. The paint was so old and oxidized that it was difficult to determine what color it had been, and the seat was covered with an old towel and some duct tape.

The lawyer watched in awe as the old man slowly removed his apron and stowed it in one of the milk crates. Then he removed a pair of worn cotton gloves from the footlocker, and slowly pulled them on. As he prepared to throw a leg over, you could tell that arthritis had taken it's toll over the years, and that this had become quite a painful task. But as soon as he swung his leg over, and settled into that saddle, something magical happened. The years they seemed to melt away. His smile returned as he pulled out the choke and fired up his old steed. She roared to life in that familiar way that she must have thousands of times before. Then, just before he pulled away, he reached down behind him and lowered the passenger pegs, as if to prepare for a passenger to board his steed with him. Finally, as the old man pulled his goggles down over his eyes, he shot a little wave and roared off into the night.

Now he never could be quite sure, but the lawyer could swear that as the old man pulled away, that the old Goldwing looked brand new once again. Chrome shining, and a beautiful bright paint job, with crisp lines and solid tune. A young man at the controls, with his beard waving in the wind, and a beautiful smiling young lady behind him with flowing long brown hair laughing as they rode off into the night.

The lawyer slowly wiped a tear from his cheek and composed himself for the ride home. He knew full well, that out there somewhere the old man rode in the night with his pegs down for his long-since-gone wife, and he was happy once again. Then and only then did he really understand the words spoken by that biker to him so many years ago

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

After a year, still adjusting Kermit's fit

What happened to the 70 and 80 degree weather? Guess no riding for a while again. I did just make one adjustment that I hope will make a huge difference - I moved the handlebars higher. And by quite a bit. I have always had a little trouble with tight turns and the bar coming close to my leg. But I never really thought about it other than trying to do better. But after putting on a "flip-a-lever" I was not actually able to reach it!

After some soul searching and kibitzing with others, I came to the conclusion that the dealer mounted the bars too low for my use. So I released the handles, rotated them up, readjusted all the stuff mounted on the bars, and tighted everything back down.

But it is now too cold to test it out....

Monday, April 2, 2007

I'll take what I can get

Had some miscellaneous errands to run....into Dublin to the new Tinderbox location. Planned on picking up some pipe tobacco. But I walked out with a new pipe too. Anyway, used that as an excuse to get on the bike and ride for about 40 miles. Had to pick up some oil and air filter for the lawnmower too, so added a few more mile on Kermit running to the local hardware chain.

It was windy as heck, but temps in low 70's so it was pretty darn good. But in a day or so, they are predicting snow flurries again. Ah, spring in central Ohio.

GLVROC member passes away

Tim Acree, a member of the Great Lakes Vulcan Riders Owners Club passed away last week. His home caught fire, and after everyone was out, he went back in for some personal possessions. He died of a heart attack in the house. The funeral was Saturday, and was well attended by members of the riding community who were asked to come in their leathers and on their bikes by Tim's family. It rained before, it rained after, but cleared up during the ceremony. The casket was transported by a motorcycle specifically made for this purpose.

Tim was well known and highly respected by the community. He will be missed.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Mixed up weather - must be Spring in Ohio

Saturday morning started a weekend of rain. Saturday was just supposed to be occasional rain, and Sunday occasional thunderstorms. So I planned my days accordingly. Ran into Columbus on Saturday and worked inside the garage on Sunday. Should have backed the schedule around - Lots of rain on Saturday (this poor guy got caught on one of the storms), but bright sunny day on Sunday. Could not enjoy it though....had too much work to do. Maybe will get in a night run?