Monday, August 9, 2010

Its that time again! Interlochen!!!

In a little while, I will be able to head back up to Interlochen for a VROC rally. Its about 400 miles up there, about 7 hours if I road straight through. I wont! I will probably stop every 100 miles or so, fuel up, get some water, stretch the legs, and take some additional ibuprofen for the saddle sores. There is a common knowledge rule that states that if it is the Interlochen weekend, then it is rain season. The first year I went, I rode back in thunderstorms and tornado warnings virtually the entire trip. The last time, it rained while I was up there and the tent flooded. Yet, it is a good time!

After we get up there, we will have to check in, and then drive back into the camping area of Cycle-Moore. Its a couple of large circles of gravel roads with plenty of sandy ground to pitch a tent. The bath house is known as the showers with the hottest water.

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