Thursday, June 19, 2008

IT's HERE!!!

After packing, repacking, doing maintenance on the bike, adding new footpegs....yada yada yada... It is FINALLY TIME to hit the road. Sure, I had some last minute things to do this morning; some for work, some for family. And also the bike-needed to add air to tires, put on the electronics, check the air in the shocks, tighten the battery connection, add a couple tools to the saddlebag. Eventually got on the road...YEAH!!!

The highway opened up in front of my like embracing arms. The wind sung background to the country music in my helmet. The freedom swelled in my heart as the miles started ticking by. But then, about 1/3 of the way to the Fort, it occurred to me. I forgot my meds. I briefly entertained the idea of going without them...but it was a long time. So what would I be missing if I skipped them? - oh...blood pressure, diabetes...hmmmm, nope, not so good.

With a frustrating huff echoing in my helmet, I exited route 33, turned around and headed home. I put on nearly 100 miles in this little jaunt, but ended up where I started. Tomorrow, I start off early and don't stop except of a Gyro at King Gyro's in Fort Wayne, then on to the rally.

Second time's the charm, right?

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