I spoke with some of the local residence of Walden Woods who wanted to know what happened Friday night. They came over to the our gathering at around 10:30, but we had all gone to bed! :-)
Click on the pictures if you want to see a larger version!

The beer does amazing things to your vision...Ahhh...the colors...

And there were multiple kinds of animals there!

It was really hot riding back. I stopped in New Haven, outside of Fort Wayne. It was a nice park just across from a golf course, and I had it all to myself. I sat in the pavilion for 20 mins, drinking a bottle of water and had a cigar that I had been saving for just such

I refuse to ride without my protective gear. It was so hot and humid that I pulled my t-shirt off and road with just my textile jacket. And for those who cringed, it is machine washable!
About an hour later, I made one more stop at a local dairy queen type place, and grabbed a large diet pepsi. Took my jacket off and put shirt back on and sat outside while I drank the soda and rehydrated. Met a truck driver on his way to South Dakota.
Back on the road with just the jacket on again, and about 17 miles from home I hit storms and even a bit of hail. If nothing else, it cooled things down!
All in all, it was a good ride and a rally.
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