I got up early enough to beat the heat, taking off in high 60's. By noon when I returned, it was already in the 80's. With average high supposed to be around 70 degrees, it looks like this will be another year where we will go from Summer to Winter with no fall.
I decided to run down to PepBoys to pick up a couple common items that most larger autoparts would have; Fuseblock, Auto alarm, and dielectric grease (stuff that keeps water out of electric connections). Zero for three!!! I could not believe it. But I did find a couple small relays that will fit on the bike for future wiring projects.
Decided to take a more scenic route back, running old route 40. All along the road you could see signs of a once major roadway that has fell victem to the Mega Highway of Route 70. I went to take a few pics, but found that I had taken out my card out of the camera. On the way, I also stopped at Darby Creek Park, a beautiful little park out in the middle of nowhere. But again, no pics.
It was good to get out, but the temps are rising and the Brownies are on the tube, so I am glad to be back.
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