Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sometimes I forget...

It was a bright, sunny morning and I had several tasks that I had to run. So I decided to ride my bike. The first task was to get my hair cut. I rode up to the local barber - an old style place run by two older guys. No foo-foo stuff.

I grabbed a parking spot in front of the shop, shut the bike off, and headed off into the store. Since it is downtown, I did not bother to take my gloves off or helmet. As I walked into the shop, I started taking the bike gear off and noticed that one of the owners was really nervous. So I laughed a little, and told him that as soon as I get this helmet off he would recognize me! He immediately relaxed, laughed a little, and said "oh yeah, I already recognize the voice!"

I guess sometimes I forget that riding gear with smoke screen visor can be a little intimidating.

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