Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sometimes I forget...

It was a bright, sunny morning and I had several tasks that I had to run. So I decided to ride my bike. The first task was to get my hair cut. I rode up to the local barber - an old style place run by two older guys. No foo-foo stuff.

I grabbed a parking spot in front of the shop, shut the bike off, and headed off into the store. Since it is downtown, I did not bother to take my gloves off or helmet. As I walked into the shop, I started taking the bike gear off and noticed that one of the owners was really nervous. So I laughed a little, and told him that as soon as I get this helmet off he would recognize me! He immediately relaxed, laughed a little, and said "oh yeah, I already recognize the voice!"

I guess sometimes I forget that riding gear with smoke screen visor can be a little intimidating.

Monday, April 19, 2010

300 mile long weekend

Had some commitments this weekend, in Norwalk and in Toledo. So I decided to make a long weekend of it and take the bike on the first real ride of the season. Temps when I started was in the mid 80's. I was in my winter bike jacket and definitely hot by the time I got to Norwalk. By the time I went to Toledo, the temps were in the high 40's/low 50's - kinda cool with no chaps or neck balaclava and just my summer gloves. By Monday morning, the sun was out and temps were in the 50's - great riding weather

On the way back, I put about an hour under my belt before stopping for coffee. I decided if I was going to have coffee, I best get something to eat as well. So I stopped in Findlay for some traditional breakfast; coffee and ice water, eggs, sausage, grits, and biscuits and gravy. If that does not fill up your belly, nothing will!

By the end of the ride, only about 120 miles, my butt was killing me. Guess I need to toughen up my tush!!! 200 miles should be a no-brainer...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A little bling...

I added a little bling to the bike this afternoon. Harley's have these script name tags attached to their front fender. I bought similar name tags years ago to call out the model I have. This afternoon, I decided to finally put them on. But I did not like the way it looked on my fender. Plus - its not a Harley, so why copy them?

I checked several places, and thought the script "Nomad" looked great on the tank, augmenting the Vulcan Logo.