"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." - Genesis 3:19 I received some of Kilo's ashes today. My intent was to set up a ride, but frankly

the gravity and onus overwhelmed me, and I just had to free some of his ashes tonight. My apologies to Kickstand for being unable to wait. I rode up to Delaware, walked to the top of the damn, said a little prayer for his peace and for those he left behind, including his wife, Babe-In-The-Wind, and 28,000
VROC brethren, and untold numbers of people he touched in his life.
With a smile, and half-a-tear, I let the wind take his ashes back to where they came. His soul, spirit, essence, or what-ever-you-may-believe is free from the bindings of this world. I pray he is watching and smiling as brothers and sisters are letting his ashes fly all over the world.
A couple of pics of his new Home in Ohio:
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