I took the day off today to get some personal errands completed. But that did leave me with a little time to go for a short ride. Temperatures in the mid 70's made it just about perfect. So I took off with very few plans in mind. I grabbed the camera with hopes of catching a few pictures that would be of interest. What I captured is typical central

Just a few miles from my home are covered bridges and this Steel Truss bridge built in 1914 and is heavily used still today. It is nestled in the middle of nowhere, spanning a creek that, unless it has just rained, could be driven through by most of today's cars.
Small towns dot the roadside, often not large enough for a traffic light. Many have a church, a bar, and a general store. Some have old buildings still in use for town meetings and business, while other buildings have gone into disrepair and abandonment.

And throughout the countryside, you will find places to celebrate The Lord. Some churches tend to

All of these pictures were taken on a 60 mile ride just west of
With all the beauty, there are risks. Over the weekend, a bee flew into my helmet and stung me on the chin. Dang that hurt, but I was on the road and couldn't do anything but suffer through the sting. It is Tuesday, and that sting is still red and sore!!!