Had a real idiot in a pickup screw with me on one of the backroads outside of Upper Sandusky. He was going 40 in a 55, so I passed him. Took me longer than I had anticipated, and looked down at the speedometer as was going 75mph, and he was right behind me! The SOB had speed up to keep me from passing him! Within a half mile, he passed me, having to be going close to 80. Then got infront of me, put on his brakes, and dropped back down to around 40,.
Fine....so I backed off even more, and go onto the expressway on-ramp after he passed it by. Guess it takes all kinds.
Then on a seperate trip, headed to Hudson's Leathers via Toledo. There is probably a shorter way, but who is looking for shorter when you are on your bike! It was an interesting day, with the cold and rain making a miserable morning, but the sun coming out about mid day.

I made some new "lowers" (like little windshields for the bottom of the bike). They are made out of plexiglass, and make the ride a LOT nicer. They keep the wind from coming up over the gas tank and hit under the helmet. You can check out more on my webpage.
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