Ended up putting over 400 miles on the bike this weekend. Had to go to Theil's for them to look at the bike to determine that the air shock that won't hold air was not the result of abuse. They are ordering the part, and should have the part in sometime next week. That part of the ride is in red.
Had a real idiot in a pickup screw with me on one of the backroads outside of Upper Sandusky. He was going 40 in a 55, so I passed him. Took me longer than I had anticipated, and looked down at the speedometer as was going 75mph, and he was right behind me! The SOB had speed up to keep me from passing him! Within a half mile, he passed me, having to be going close to 80. Then got infront of me, put on his brakes, and dropped back down to around 40,.
Fine....so I backed off even more, and go onto the expressway on-ramp after he passed it by. Guess it takes all kinds.
Then on a seperate trip, headed to Hudson's Leathers via Toledo. There is probably a shorter way, but who is looking for shorter when you are on your bike! It was an interesting day, with the cold and rain making a miserable morning, but the sun coming out about mid day.

I made some new "lowers" (like little windshields for the bottom of the bike). They are made out of plexiglass, and make the ride a LOT nicer. They keep the wind from coming up over the gas tank and hit under the helmet. You can check out more on my webpage.