[note: click on the pictures for larger image]

I just mounted the Slipstream Radar Mount. Less than $30, made of anodized aluminum and plexiglass mount plate. Mounts on the handlebars (or anywhere there is a 1" tube) solidly. it has several adjustment points that allow you to increase/decrease height, angles, slope, etc. The base has a rubber band that connects under the plates and over the radar detector (ugly but effective). They also suggest velcro. I have some industrial velcro, covered the mounting plate with it (the radar detector already is covered over the entire bottom), and dont think I will need it at all. Infact I have to apply leverage just to get it off the dash, and now the bike.

The mount - without the radar detector - is to the right here. It is offered in multiple colors as long as you want black. It mounts clean and simple, and feels stable as a rock.
The radar dete

This is how the cockpit looks. the detector will be highly visible, and may consider plugging the audio in to the chatterbox. But probably not, relying on the visual cues instead. My peripheral vision should pick it up.

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