As with these types of shows, there is usually plenty of eye-candy. Thankfully, this year was no exception. There were several booths that used beautiful young women, scantily clad, to draw crowds and increase sales. For me....nice to look, but no buying from those vendors - I am in a committed relationship! BTW, there were less clad beauties, but I was distracted and did not take their pics!

Talking to the vendors, they were happy with the attendance and their willingness to lay out cash. In looking at various bikes, I noticed that several were already purchased

We spent time looking at dirt bikes with the hopes that the boy will begin riding soon. The delay is a combination of cash, mom's approval, and desire. We also checked out a lot of the new models, concept bikes, wild paint schemes, and some "gently used" bikes that some of the dealers brought to spur business. One of my favorite bikes that I saw is this yamaha with integrated hard saddlebags and a streamline paintjob that provides a single, integrated vision of a bike.

The boy, on the otherhand, pointed out this "in your face" power bike with huge air gulpers, megaphone exhausts, and flat black paintscheme that gives the feeling of stealth and meanness.
My favorite, hidden around a courner, was a display of antique bikes. These are three of my favorites.

After several hours of walking around, talking, and sitting, we finally gathered our stuff and headed off. The positives - great show, time spent with the boy, lots of learning, and a trunk for Kermit. The negative - did not run across a single GLVROC member!!!!