December with Highs in the 50's - AGAIN. Took the boy snowboarding this morning and then around 2:30 I got on the Nomad and headed off to the North. When I hit Kenton, I decided to take a road unknown to me and begin exploring. There are some beautiful homes and churches on the side roads of Kenton where obviously some well-to-do families once lived years and years ago. Now, a few seem to have escaped the decline that the whole area seems to have undergone. But those few that have been maintained are beautiful and harken back to a brighter, nobler day.
I continued on some rural roads and ended up running parrellel to Route 30 (Lincoln Highway) on a back road. Farm Country with a few small communities sprinkled along the way. My favorite was a crossroads named South Park. I continued on to Upper Sandusky where I ran around downtown and then ended up at Theil's where I bought Kermit! I stopped in, said "HI" to Tank - the saleman who sold me the Nomad. We walked outside where he looked over the bike, identifying all the changes I have made to it.
I then took off down Rte 23, around Marion and through Delaware and eventually back to Marysville. By the time I hit Delaware, the sun had set and temperatures had dropped into the low 40's. I had been away a lot longer than expected, and was not really ready for temperature drop. By the time I hit home, my fingers were numb, and my legs cold. But it was a great run of almost 150 miles....most certainly the last of the year (since tomorrow is the last day of the year, and it is supposed to rain!)
Here is where I picked up Kermit back in the early spring....

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