The temperatures tell us there is a change of seasons in the air. In a few months, there will be snow on the ground. I look back of the summer and wonder "What Happened?" Not nearly the miles I had hoped to put on the bike. Did not take the adventure I have planned on for years; packing some clothes, tent, sleeping bag and head out with no destination in mind. I did not take the
week long trip where I meet unexpected people, and explore unknown places. In short, work trumped free time, and I will loose close to a month of vacation because I cannot afford the time off to take it.
But lets look at the other side of the coin. First, and foremost, I am employed. It provides a sense of contribution, it provides the finances to live comfortably now and hopefully in retirement. It provides the finances to put gas into the bike. I was able to attend the
GLVROC rally in
Swanton, seeing old friends and new. And got a chance to act as grill chief. I was able to put about 1,000 miles in the saddle as we attended the
Interlochen, MI Rally. New friends and old, great roads. And as true every year, there was some rain. I was able to strip out all of the "unnecessary" stuff on my bike. And I had a problem with the bike that would force me to use logic and wrenching skills. Maybe, it really was not that bad!
Even cooler, I have reconnected with finding a lot of the "old gang" going strong, and some new people that I am beginning to know. What is unnerving is that there are now over 34,000 members worldwide! WOW!!!
So now, with the cooler weather, the leaves are beginning to change color and fall. It is a beautiful time of year. And that leaves me with one question...Why am I writing this instead of putting some time on the bike?!?!
See ya, I am out a' here!