I rode some of the backroads to the park. There were deer all around the fields in the area. The sun warmed the ground and trees, and unfortunately brought out the bugs too. As I rode around, I noticed a couple that was taking a break at the crossroads of Lakeview and Briar Patch trails. They were sitting on top of the sign, just relaxing and taking in the sights.
I stopped and spoke with them for awhile. Her name was Snow Proof Safety Cone. His, Che

We talked for a long time about options that might pop up for them. Talked about renting a car, renting a bike, hitch-hiking. None of them seemed to be right for them. They were looking for something different, but I just could not figure out what it was.

I hit the restroom, and came out of the facilities to see Cheezy Rider in the saddle of my bike, and Snow Proof Safety Cone on the back seat! They were both laughing, seeing my face of surprise. They both told me that they were joking, but secretly I was happy that I had taken the key with me.
I took off, giving my new friends a lift into town. They both have been staying in my garage as they try to decide what to do next.