Sunday, April 27, 2008

Artsy Ride

I took a couple hours today and got onto Kermit for a ride. Up route 33 to Indian Lake, and took a ride around the park and the lake itself, out onto islands, on peninsulas, and just next to the water. It was a cool ride, but for me it was perfect. Took several pictures of Kermit next to the water. For something different, I am posting some negatives of the shots. Artsy, eh? grin...

Oh. and remember those deep scratches I talked about in my previous post? It was grime of some sort that cleaned right up with a little alcohol!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Who scratched my bike?

Several months ago, I noticed a scratch on the fuel tank. I was upset that somebody scratched my beauty! Did it happen at a parking lot, did the kids do it? It is on the side of the tank where I could not have done it.

Then a couple weeks ago, I saw a huge (to me) gauge on the tank - a deeper scratch that went all the way to the metal. WHAT THE HECK! I started trying to figure out who was scratching my bike. A friend was over, and asked if it was possible that my buckle on my jacket did it? "Naw" I told him, "I don't ride bent over like that."

Then I went for a ride. I reached over for my helmet (I usually put it on the riding peg). I hesitated as I grabbed the helmet, with my belt buckle right where the scratch was. DANG! I have been a bad bad boy...I got some touch-up paint (base, color, clear coat) and will see what I can do to touch it up. Cannot be any worse than it is now!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Early Morning yearnings

I am up early this morning, taking my son to school. The sun is shining, the talking heads on the TV are dwelling on the beautiful today, and I hear motorcycle after motorcycle leave for work. In talking with a friend, he is antsy to start is bike trip out west.

My Kermit sits in the garage, wanting to get out and run...maybe it is time for 1/2 day vacation. We shall see.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Kermit Key

Just finished making my (first?) custom key for Kermit (the Nomad). Its a little frog with a key embedded. These are not the best pictures, but gives an idea. Maybe tomorrow, I will be able to take some better pics. night...where are ya ? ! ?

So - do you think it goes with the License Plate? :-)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Drifter for sale

In running around NW Ohio, I ran across this 2002 Drifter for sale. This is not mine, nor do I even know who it belongs too. But it looked like a nice bike with only 2200 miles on it. Phone number and price in picture below

Monday, April 7, 2008

Not a good day

While the weather was unbelievably great, it was not my time to ride. I struggled with my gear, and then struggled with the bike. Long story short, I pulled the bike back into the garage, got out of my gear, and went up North to do some fishing.

Tomorrow night, I will revisit the battery terminals and try to get everything ship shape for the next ride.

Sigh....All part of riding...