Thursday, November 30, 2006

Last ride of the season?

Wednesday, I took a short ride of about 30 miles or so, some of it with the boy on the back of the bike. Had to go to wal-mart (I HATE that store) with wife, so I let her drive there while the boy and I took the bike. Then I headed off down old route 33 (runs parrellel to route 33 highway), then back on the highway. Getting that last of the year ride in.

The good news is that while I had not been able to be on the bike much over the last week, I did get the garage cleaned up for winter. The wife can now pull her van into the garage AND i get to keep the bike in there. is good

Thursday, November 23, 2006

November 21 Ride

Needed to get out and try the new Engine Guard Chaps from to see how much they would help in cooler weather rides. The temps were in the mid 40's but nice and sunny. It was cold, but very sunny. Amazingly enough, there were no other bikes on the road! Go figure...

Wanted to find some unique pictures of Ohio countryside as I rode. Stopped at a small town, Mount Victory, on route 31. True picture of rural Ohio...

November Delaware Trip

I had a chance to take a ride. Not a lot of time, but still wanted to get out, and have a little fun. Went to Delaware Resevoir at the dam. It was a beautiful day, and got some great pictures. I took some shots of the Nomad which ended up being the basis of the mods webpage on my website.

Here are some pics of the Resevoir from the dam side. Oh yeah...almost forgot to mention, Buddy went with me as well.

Ride Reports - Moving from MSNSpaces

I appologize to anyone who likes MSN Spaces or marked my old blog site. But their service continued to drop as they tied it in closer and closer to windows-only software. I finally gave up.
I will be posting some of the old stuff here, but also new rides. This year, I expect to ride at least several times in November, a couple times in December, and hopefully once in Jan and Februrary. Then back to riding more frequently in March.

I also have done some serious modifications (use, not technical aptitude)...and will post some info here too.